The last study-visit was held at Bientôt wine where Maria Samou who is a young entrepreneur and has recently opened her wine shop introduced us to the world of wine and to wine tasting while Dimitra Divani offered us some delicious cheese of her family business Divanis Cheese.


It was a yummy experience being completed by our last dinner at the tavern ”Το Χρυσόψαρο σε άλλη γυάλα” with live greek music and dance!



In the afternoon of the last day of the CreativeLab training course, Dimitra Zervaki presented examples of well established sustainable brands and explained how they use the brand story. A group discussion followed and the participants had time to reflect and exchange their viewpoints and ideas about the topic.

The Google’s concept of “Micro-moments” and the model “Pitch like a Mastic Tree” were presented by Dimitra Zervaki who also shared best practices in the field of pitching ideas successfully in front of investors or/and various audiences with the group.

An activity followed where all participants worked in pairs and interviewed their partner based on a provided Self-Branding questionnaire “Develop your personal and professional brand”. Then, each participant was asked to pitch his/her partner’s brand story based on the Self-Branding questionnaire.
Later on, the “two-page Action Plan” was introduced that helps people to develop their professional and personal network effectively.

Stefano Modestini presented very shortly his project “Branding EU – Make your mark”, a Strategic Partnership project Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme.

At the end of the training course some basic info about the Erasmus+ programme, and Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers was introduced by the project coordinator Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi . The Recognition and Youthpass was also presented and all participants were awarded with Youthpasses.


by Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi


Ιn the morning of the last day of the CreativeLab training course, Giorgos Mihalis Goniadis presented his project Papigion and shared with the group his experience about how an idea can become a project and talked about sustainability, innovation and differentiation. A game followed where all participants were divided into 3 groups based on the below entrepreneurial interests:
1) Fashion
2) Art
3) Technology

The groups had to transform their idea into a viable business and pitch in front of the 3 judges: Dimitra Zervaki, Olympia Datsi and Myrele Per. The judges attributed points according to i) the Viability of the business to be successful, ii) Innovative nature of the business, iii) Product or Service originality in the market and iv) the Sustainability Business Model. Each group pitched their business idea and finally he Technology group was the winner!

by Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi