In the afternoon of the last day of the CreativeLab training course, Dimitra Zervaki presented examples of well established sustainable brands and explained how they use the brand story. A group discussion followed and the participants had time to reflect and exchange their viewpoints and ideas about the topic.

The Google’s concept of “Micro-moments” and the model “Pitch like a Mastic Tree” were presented by Dimitra Zervaki who also shared best practices in the field of pitching ideas successfully in front of investors or/and various audiences with the group.

An activity followed where all participants worked in pairs and interviewed their partner based on a provided Self-Branding questionnaire “Develop your personal and professional brand”. Then, each participant was asked to pitch his/her partner’s brand story based on the Self-Branding questionnaire.
Later on, the “two-page Action Plan” was introduced that helps people to develop their professional and personal network effectively.

Stefano Modestini presented very shortly his project “Branding EU – Make your mark”, a Strategic Partnership project Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme.

At the end of the training course some basic info about the Erasmus+ programme, and Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers was introduced by the project coordinator Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi . The Recognition and Youthpass was also presented and all participants were awarded with Youthpasses.


by Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi

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